Friday, March 1, 2024

How to Get Rid of Roof Pigeons

How Can I Get Rid Of The Pigeons On The Roof?

If you have a bird problem, you might picture a bunch of crows flying around your land, like in Alfred Hitchcock films. In real life, though, pigeons are often annoying birds that cause problems for both homes and businesses. When you have pigeons, it can be hard to deal with them because they keep singing and making a mess.

But don't worry anymore! We're about to tell you how to get rid of and handle pigeons. We can help you, whether you only have a few birds or have a huge problem with loads of them. Get your do-it-yourself tools ready, because you need to solve this bird problem.



How to Figure Out Your Pigeon Problem


It's important to know how bad the situation is before starting a war against these pests. Do the birds sleep on your roof, or are they making nests in trees nearby? How many do you have, and what makes them come to your property? By watching how they act, you can make your method more effective at getting rid of pigeons on your roof.



Getting ready to get rid of pigeons

You need to get a few things together before you can start the bird control task. Bird spikes and spikes that stop birds from resting can be your first line of defence.

Remember, though, that these tools aren't meant to hurt the birds; they're just meant to make your roof less appealing to them. Here's a pro tip: aluminium foil pans or shiny tape can often work just as well to reflect sunlight, making it hard for the pigeons to see and luring them to find a different place to rest.



Putting Up Barriers


It's time to make your roof a no-fly zone with your pigeon-proofing tools. Put bird spikes or other barriers, like wire mesh or bird netting, in places where birds like to roost. These steps will help keep pigeons out of these areas. If you also have problems with smaller birds, you might want to try bird gels or light kites that look like birds of prey as a wildlife control method.



Regular Inspection

Don't just forget about the pigeon problem after you've set up your traps. To make sure your work is paying off, you need to do regular checks.

Once a week, look on your roof and in nearby trees for signs of new pigeon activity. Are there any fresh nests? There are pigeons on the roof. Are they going to a different area or leaving? You can keep pigeons from making your roof their best place to hang out if you watch out for them.



Health Risks

Pigeons can bring diseases to your property, which is one reason you should get rid of them. Some diseases, like Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis, and Psittacosis, can be spread by pigeon droppings. To get rid of the pigeon trouble, you should properly clean up after them.



Legal Things to Think About


Let us now talk about what is legal. It's important to check local wildlife protection rules before you use any bird deterrents. In some places, there are strict rules about what you can and can't do to get rid of pigeons. For some ways to exclude people, you may need a pass. Make sure you don't break the law by chance when you try to keep pigeons away.


Help From The Experts


Pigeons can be hard to beat sometimes, no matter how hard you try. If this is the case, you may need to call in the big guns and hire a professional pest control service. A professional can help you with your pigeon issues more effectively, such as with pigeon birth control or by hiring a professional falconer. These choices might cost more, but they will solve your pigeon problems for good. Find out more in our post about how to get rid of pigeons.



Additional Deterrents

Pigeons can also be kept away with other methods, and many of them can be used along with roof spikes. Some of these are:

    • Sound Devices: Devices that emit predatory bird calls can be an effective method to scare pigeons.
    • Reflective Objects: Foil balloons or wind chimes can reflect light and create a movement that pigeons find unsettling.
    • Bird Feeders: Pigeon-proof bird feeders will stop pigeons from monopolising the food and allow smaller birds to feed.
    • Secure Food Sources: Secure your trash cans, pet food, and recycling bins. Any nearby food can attract these pest birds.



Birds and Other Wild Animals

Remember to keep an eye out for other animals while you're dealing with your pigeon situation. When you try to get rid of pigeons, you shouldn't hurt other birds, animals, or good bugs. If birds gather near your solar panels, make sure that the way you control them won't affect how well they work.



Fly High with a Roof Free of Pigeons: How to Get Rid of Roof Pigeons


Pigeons can be a bother, but there are many ways to get rid of them without hurting them. There are many ways to get rid of pigeons, from do-it-yourself stuff like bird spikes and reflective items to hiring a professional pest control service. Follow the local wildlife rules and think about the health risks when planning how to get rid of the pigeons.

With a little time and care, you can get back on top of your house and finally get rid of those pesky birds.



Frequently Asked Questions

Can I feed pigeons to discourage them from my roof?

Ironically, feeding pigeons will likely make your problem worse. They’ll associate your property with food and invite more of their friends over.


Are pigeon droppings dangerous?

Yes, pigeon faeces can carry diseases that are transmittable to humans, including Histoplasmosis and Psittacosis.


Is there a humane way to get rid of pigeons?

Absolutely! Bird spikes, bird netting, and most other deterrents mentioned in this article are humane methods to eliminate pigeons. They simply discourage birds from roosting in these areas without causing harm.


Can I use bird spikes on window sills and roof tiles ?

Yes, bird spikes can be installed on window sills, roof tiles, and even under solar panels to prevent birds from perching.


Can I hire pigeon control specialists for an outdoor space dealing with a pigeon infestation?

Yes, some bird control specialists deal specifically with problems like pigeon infestations in outdoor spaces. These experts use various techniques, including integrated pest management (IPM), to ensure an effective solution.


What can be done to prevent pigeons from nesting on my green roof?

A green roof can be an inviting spot for pigeons to nest. To discourage them, consider installing reflective surfaces or bird spikes, which can disrupt their ability to roost comfortably. Regularly maintaining your green roof to remove potential food sources can also help.


How can reflected light deter pigeons?

Reflected light can confuse a pigeon’s eyesight, causing discomfort and discouragement from returning. Reflective surfaces or objects that move with the wind, like foil balloons, can be highly effective scare tactics.


What types of damage to buildings can pigeons cause?

Pigeons can cause significant damage to buildings. Their droppings are corrosive and can damage building materials. They can also block drains with their nests, potentially damaging water.


What’s the best way to remove pigeon nests from my property?

Removing pigeon nests can be tricky and might require professional help. It’s important to ensure there are no eggs or young birds in the nest before removal. Always wear protective clothing to avoid contact with bird mites or droppings.


Why do pigeons congregate on my property?

Pigeons often congregate where they have easy access to food and shelter. If your property provides these necessities, you might deal with a pigeon problem. To discourage them, remove food sources, and prevent them from nesting.


How effective are gel repellants in pigeon control?

Gel repellants can be highly effective in discouraging pigeons. They create an uncomfortable sticky surface that pigeons dislike. However, they may need reapplication over time and might not be a long-term solution.


Can dealing with a pigeon infestation become extremely dangerous?

While “extremely dangerous” might be an overstatement, pigeon infestations can pose significant health risks due to the diseases carried in their droppings. If the infestation is large, calling in pigeon control services is best.


How can I stop pigeons from nesting without causing harm to small birds?

An effective method to stop pigeons from nesting while keeping small birds safe is to use exclusion techniques. You could install bird netting or use bird spikes, which tend to deter larger birds like pigeons but do not affect smaller species.


What should I do if scare tactics only provide a short-term solution to my pigeon problem?

If scare tactics like reflected light or sound devices only provide temporary relief, you might need to consider more long-term solutions. This might include population control strategies such as birth control feed or structural modifications like netting or spikes to prevent pigeons from nesting.

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