Friday, May 12, 2023

Rat Control

At Apex Pest Control, we provide expert rat control services throughout Yorkshire, UK. We use our local pest controllers to ensure that your vermin problem is immediately resolved. Since no two projects are identical, your rat control is customised to your house, garden, and any property that needs rat eradication services.

To get rid of a black rat or brown rat problem, our expert rat removal team use efficient techniques that are safe for kids and pets. A lot of people start with DIY items, which is OK, but because rodents reproduce fast, you may easily get overwhelmed at a startling rate. This is where our pest control services can help you for a long-term solution.

How We Remove and Control a Rat

  • Survey – The first step that must be taken is to check the building and the surrounding area for rat activity. Evaluate the status and extent of the infestation at the site.
  • Proofing and prevention – In order to prevent rats from entering and exiting the property, we look for areas like water and drain lines that may need to be sealed up during the initial inspection.
  • Baiting – Traditional rat traps are no longer effective against a rat family. The most popular method of control for rats is baiting using various insecticides to poison them. In order to utilise professional rodenticide in the bait stations, I am picking the proper grade.
  • Follow up visits – Each task involves two trips to remove the dead animals, keep an eye on the situation, and prevent any rat re-entry. You will be pest-free after you haven't spotted any more rats for a certain amount of time and we are confident they've disappeared.

Types of Rats

The most prevalent and well-known rodent in Europe and the UK is the brown rat, sometimes referred to as the common rat, street rat, or sewer rat. Pests like to reside in towns and cities where there are human habitations.

The black rat is a long-tailed rodent sometimes known as the ship rat, roof rat, or occasionally a house rat. Because rats will devour a variety of crops, just like mice, rat pest management is a serious issue for farmers. On open ground, weasels and foxes serve as natural predators and pest controllers.

How to Prevent Rats

Our therapies will need a first appointment and any necessary follow-up appointments, as indicated by our survey. All sites where rats will come into touch with a rodenticide but are safe for people or other non-target species will have baits laid down.

To manage pests, we employ formulations of a second-generation rodenticide that are appropriate for each work. Our local pest control professional will make the first follow-up visit between five and seven days later to examine our baits and remove any deceased rats.

We will get more details during the second visit, such as the most frequently frequented places and the potential number of rats being handled. Additionally, we look for any new hiding spots that might cause issues.

We will schedule further appointments for follow-up visits if required until we are certain that all rats have been eradicated. We provide a 30-day guarantee from the date of our most recent visit that we will treat any additional sightings at no additional cost. Any symptoms after this point are considered new infestations.

Since no two projects are identical, our rat exterminator service is always customised to each house, workplace, or other location of circumstance. Call right now for a professional rat removal service in your area.

Residential Control

We do a site inspection prior to beginning any rat control treatments. The inspection is done to learn more about potential access points and places where rats have been heard or spotted. It's crucial to get access to locations beneath the floor, the roof, kitchen units, airing cupboards, garages, and outdoor spaces.

We can prevent you from acquiring a rat in your home or yard by expanding the places we inspect. A verbal or written tick-box risk assessment will be completed at the time of the survey.

Using the accurate data from the survey and our understanding of the biology and behaviour of rats, some of the indicators we are searching for include:

    • Holes
    • Droppings
    • Rat runs
    • Smear mark
    • Smell
    • Damage
    • Gnawing
    • Dead or alive rats
    • Tracks
    • Nests
    • Food source


Commercial Control 

Before we can provide you a price for pest treatment, we must first assess the location for commercial pest control for rats.

Your property will be evaluated at our site inspection for:

    • common locations to conceal
    • access points
    • outside the building
    • neighbouring structures
    • evidence of rats
    • Health problems

You will get information on the disease, the materials used, and suggestions for aftercare and ongoing pest control before our technician begins treatment.

Control at Food Premises

These businesses are concerned about the possibility of food spills and the possibility of rodenticide contamination. This risk will be eliminated by the usage of block formulations. For both rats and mice, tamper-resistant bait stations can be utilised with indicator blocks (non-toxic blocks) in vulnerable places.

When rodent infestation is eradicated, internal bait sites should be kept to a minimum and then decreased. In industrial areas, wall and floor fixings are preferred and safer. Boiler rooms, false roofs, and locations away from manufacturing areas pose a significant danger and should be baited.

If necessary for the area, perimeter baits should be installed after conducting an environmental risk assessment and providing reasons. To provide the best amount of security for the bait, these should be fixed tamper-resistant types. The internal placement of the bait points in kitchens and restaurants should be the same as in residential buildings.

Production area baiting is frequently prohibited on sites.


Control at Farms

Since farms come in a variety of sizes and shapes, living quarters will be necessary on the property. Therefore, taking into account domestic animals and children is also important. Storage of food for animals and crops, bedding, and even animal waste will provide the perfect setting for a rat infestation. When winter arrives, rodents that eat and live outside will penetrate structures.

Bait stations are used to treat indoor rats when they can be reached and positioned in a secure area. At tamper-resistant bait stations, we utilise blocks if spillage-related contamination is a concern.

The rats must regularly consume water; thus they require easy access to a water source. Runs towards the water's source could be noticeable and suggest harborage. If they can be securely baited, they will be done while getting rid of rats. they may be obvious as holes. Cover the holes with nearby items like stones or wood to lessen the risk to non-targets.

Filling up holes will also have the benefit of keeping the rat baits dry, which will prolong their palatability. In order to keep kids from getting to the bait, the bait sites should ideally be at least 60 cm down the rat hole. Upon justification and after conducting an environmental risk assessment, exterior rat bait sites are used to protect farm buildings from rats. The best degree of protection for treating rats in these areas would be fixed, tamper-resistant bait stations.


Hire a Professional Rat Exterminator

There are always several rats, which is a bad indicator if there are any, in the home or garden. Hire a rat exterminator from Apex Pest Control for the best pest control procedure. Our licenced professionals are now members of prestigious pest control industry organisations including the National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA).

We are a pest treatment firm that cares, so please schedule your survey right away and regain control of your property.

Contact Us Today!

Apex Pest Control
Address: 54 Baxter Dr Sheffield S6 1GH
Phone: 0114 349 1098


How big does a brown rat get?

The underparts of the rodent are lighter grey or brown, while the coarse hair is often brown or dark grey. A brown rat may weigh twice as much as a black rat and is a rather hefty creature.

The head and body are between 15 and 28 cm (6 and 11 in) long. The tail's length varies from 10.5 to 24 cm at the same period. The weight of an adult will be between 140 and 500 g. Huge individuals are said to reach weights of 900–1,000g (1 kg). However, usually those are domestic species.


Why are rats in the UK more common in the autumn?

Mice and rats search for the warmest spots to shelter when the weather grows colder. Unfortunately, that generally entails trespassing into your house. Rats are typically diseased. Keeping rodents at bay is crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy house.

The vermin may seriously ruin dwellings in addition to spreading dangerous infections. They typically eat wires, leave waste along their primary travel routes, break through walls, and leave greasy markings on surfaces where they usually travel.

Food is more limited in the winter, so when springtime comes, their natural food sources outside of your house are more plentiful. You may be sure that between March and May, rats will start returning to the outdoors.


How do you know if you have a rat problem?

There are various indicators that you may look for to determine whether rats have moved into your property. Knowing these symptoms early on and doing attentive inspections on a regular basis will make the difference between unsuccessful and effective pest management.

Evidence of Nesting – Paper, cardboard, or plants that have been torn into little pieces may indicate the construction of a nest. Thorough inspections are necessary since nests frequently end up in hidden locations that are out of sight and rarely visited by people.

Damage to Property – Rats and mice like to chew on things; therefore signs of gnawing are an indication of an infestation. As rats gather ingredients for their nests, check cabinets and pantry areas for damage to packaging. Rats and mice will make food products and fruit bowls their main targets, so any signs of eating must be dealt with right away.

Rodent Tracks – Rodents prefer to take the same path to and from their nests. Therefore, they frequently leave behind smear or oil marks as proof of their activities.

Faecal Matter – All animals leave droppings, or faeces. Rodent droppings are simple to find. You will be made aware of a potential issue if you keep an eye out for any such symptoms.



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